Cigarettes and DutyFree
As the first a small warning which comes for me, unfortunately, too late.
On inquiry in a DutyFreeShop on a Moroccan airport it was informed of us that
one may introduce up to three poles to Germany - THIS IS WRONG!
Merely one pole was permitted, remaining 2 poles had to be paid tax on afterwards
what has led to an additional payment of 100 euros.
Meanwhile I have found out that one can carry along with cigarettes up to 3 poles, indeed,
only one pole from the Dutyfree and, in addition, 2 poles which were bought directly
in Morocco and carry a revenue stamp. Indeed, this information is also without guarantee
- I still wait for answer of the German duty how many poles cigarettes one may exactly take now.
* No guarantee on correctness and completeness of the information, all information were taken for the most part
from the sites of the airlines or correspond to personal experiences with the respective airline. Should still one
or other cheap flight to Marocco be missing on this site, please send me an email.